The Constant and the Transient

Taming the Tide
Life is a mixture of elements, some of which are more transient, others more constant. At times it is easy to become so distracted by the changing elements that the whole picture of our lives looks blurry to us. We are so aware of the uncertain, shifting areas of our life that we think we are looking at chaos.

Yet, there are also constants. These hold the picture together in balance, giving a creative tension between movement and rest. They help reveal what is changing, whilst showing that not everything is.

When we find ourselves staring too long at the movement, we may feel disturbed and unsettled. If we rest too long on the unchanging there may be an absence of adventure, drama and a sense of progress and growth. Appreciating the harmonious interplay of change and constants can help us to realise that not everything about who we are is up in the air just because an aspect of our life is changing. There are still constants. Similarly, we cannot forget that we do and in fact need to change.

Different parts of the picture of our lives will move at different speeds. Instead of getting carried away or worried by the parts that are moving faster than we are ready for, perhaps we can step back and see a more balanced picture, with God as the artist.

How balanced do you feel about your life at the moment? Does it appear merely chaotic or that everything is moving at once? Can you find the constants in your life?

When we feel we are drowning in chaos, our One, central Constant is God Himself. If we look to God, we can begin to see balance restored. Perhaps ask God to reveal His presence as your Constant, taming the apparent chaos of your life.

© Joe Lenton, 2013

Image – “Taming the Tide” © Original Art Photography by Joe Lenton, 2013. This and many other images are available as prints. Please visit the Original Art Photography website for details:


From Mess to Metaphor

Cross & Thorns

A simple walk along a beach
Noticing a pile of rubbish as we walked by
Suddenly it formed a familiar shape:
A cross.
The eye wandered further:
A cross and thorns
Images that evoke memories,
Remind of healing and wholeness
Appearing out of apparent rubbish and chaos.
A smile as God seems to speak a metaphor:
Healing and redemption out of apparent disorder,
Hope in strange places,
Holiness and the presence of God
Where if we only glance we just see a messed up world.

© Joe Lenton, September 2012